Streetly Electronics Mellotron Tape Library

Cyndee Lee Rule Viola

A replacement for the rather boxy old viola sound, this newly recorded viola was played by none other than the almost world-famous Cyndee Lee Rule of Systems Theory reknown, as well as a couple of other minor league hippy outfits with names such as 'Gnog' and 'Windhawk'. Or something terribly like that.

Replete in its gloom and resplendent in its ability to turn the most annoying and optimistically inclined Pollyanna into a suicidal heap of shit and misery it remains one of my favourite orchestral instruments simply because it adds that my pet cat has just died moment to almost anything you care to dream up. You could play 'Mmbop' by Hansen on this and it would come out soundling like an Estonian Dirge For The Dead And Those Remaining Who Are Generally Utterly Pissed Off.

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