Streetly Electronics Mellotron Tape Library

Glenn Miller

You might think that Alton Glenn Miller disappeared from the radar in 1944, but we know better than that. He is, in fact, incarcerated in a coal bunker in Walsall and was dragged out to make some recordings for the Mellotron in exchange for his freedom. Being a lying shower of bastards we took the recordings anyway and threw him back in the coal bunker, where he languishes to this day, coming out only at night tethered to a tree by a chain, foraging for scraps of food.

This might sound like a pile of elderly cak largely because it actually is. In fact, this is the sound of Mellotron Brass with the saxes removed and clarinets stuck in their place. A bit like the way they do heart transplants, except a bit cheaper. And with less blood but more clarinets.

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