Every effort is taking longer and longer, and every effort produces more and more false starts and missed opportunities. This one is the best of the best examples of this; the sine qua non.
Sometimes I still wonder from which odd pocket this stuff all springs. It's still a mystery to me. Some of this material is quite deliberately repetition of other ideas found on other releases. On one occasion this happens across two tracks on this album, and on one specific occasion it happens within the same track. There may be a tendency to imagine that this is a work of deliberate calculation and art, but in fact it's borne of the chaos that surrounded some of this stuff, where ideas were left half finished or half expressed, then returned to and found inspiration from a place it had already visited some time ago. Rather than change that, I've decided to leave it.
Any new ground being broken? I don't think so.
I always say after a release that I am taking a break from it all and need to move on and look at other things. This time is no exception. I am also aware that I am useless at sticking to this promise as something else will come along to distract me. This being my fiftieth release may give me some incentive.
Once again a massive shoutout to GForce with their quite extraordinary ImpOSCar2 synth which has salvaged many an empty moment.
© 2022, Black Cat Music Factory